Tel: 01452 551386 | Mob: 07887 544339
A-Z List of Needs I am able to help you with
Anger management
Bad Habits
Comfort for Loss
Chronic Fatigue
Driving nerves
Eating disorders
Exam stress
Fear of Flying
Food Addictions/issues
Gastric Band
Interview nerves
Irritable bowel
Intrusive thoughts
Negative thinking
Nail biting
Obsessive thoughts
Pain management
Panic Attacks
Public speaking
Weight loss
Anger management
Bad Habits
Comfort for Loss
Chronic Fatigue
Driving nerves
Eating disorders
Exam stress
Fear of Flying
Food Addictions/issues
Gastric Band
Interview nerves
Irritable bowel
Intrusive thoughts
Negative thinking
Nail biting
Obsessive thoughts
Pain management
Panic Attacks
Public speaking
Weight loss

What happens at the initial consultation?
My therapy is based upon building your self-esteem and confidence toward achieving your goals whatever they may be. To allow me to have a complete picture of you and your life I encourage you to open up by giving you space to release pent up thoughts and emotions; this allows me to understand you on a deep level enabling me to assess the best way forward for your hypnotherapy. A particular hypnotic screed will be used for your hypnosis based upon your particular needs. At our first meeting I will listen to you to gather all of the information concerning your past. This allow allows me to see a complete picture of you and your life which helps me and you to understand how you have become the person that you are. Together we complete the puzzle of why you make unhealthy life choices or the reasons for your behaviours. I will through hypnotherapy enable you to achieve a complete recovery from your past issues, habits or fears.
How I Work
Once you have explained and aired all of your concerns giving me a full understanding of why and how your behaviour has been effecting you in a negative way you will enjoy a full hypnotic experience especially tailored to your need for change whilst reclining in a comfortable chair listening to ambient background music which will lull you into a peaceful place of tranquillity as I speak soothingly to you taking you gradually into a deep and tranquil hypnotic trance. The whole experience is one of total relaxation.
Session One – The Initial Consultation of an hour Hypnotherapy involves exploring your past and present history; discovering how you have become the person you now are and the reasons causing your problem, issue or habit. I am here to listen and acknowledge all of your thoughts and feelings and concerns; this allows me to gather all of the information concerning your past and present. I can then see a complete picture of you and your life which enables both of us to understand how you have become the person that you are and why you continue with unhealthy behaviours. The next part of this session will be used to take you into a relaxing hypnotic trance; this trance state allows me to communicate directly with your sub-conscious mind, while you are in trance I can through suggestion remove negative habits and behaviours and replace them with positive ideas which will be tailored to your specific requirement.
Session Two – Is based upon processing, accepting and letting go of all negative thoughts, emotions and false beliefs which have been learned throughout your life. Through processing deep seated feelings during hypnosis you can find peace of mind through absolution; realise and recover your own identity and open your mind to realise and recall all of your achievements and feel proud of all of your accomplishments, thereby allowing you to perceive and see a new positive and balanced future for yourself.
Further Sessions are recommended for deep issues; to deeply imprint positive suggestions towards change in behaviour; this may involve regression into your childhood to enable you to retrieve and heal past wounds by meeting your inner child allowing you to find solace and closure to unhappy recollections.
Together we complete the puzzle of why you’re currently exercising certain life choices and gain the knowledge to why you are behaving negatively. Once I have gathered all of the information about you, I can put a plan into action particularly based upon your needs. I will write a particular hypnotic screed which will be used for your future hypnotherapy session/s with me. Ultimately, I will bring you success by altering negative thinking into positive and successful thinking toward your future, therefore you would no longer feel a need to over-eat, feel anxious, panicky or fearful, or continue a bad habit, suffer a phobia or feel low or depressed.

How often do you need to come?
How often you may need therapy with me varies from person to person and this is something that we discuss at the end of a hypnotherapy session. I advise at least two sessions because sessions two is all about letting go of negative thinking allowing the mind to feel cleansed and discover your authentic self by realising your achievements. This session brings forward positive thinking for your future perception, builds self-confidence and self-esteem thereby achieving a new state of mind.
A top up session of hypnotherapy is available if after some time you may like to return to re-instate the suggestions once again.
How to self-regulate by building your rock
This is the work that I do with my clients to help them to regulate their emotions. Many things in life can dysregulate us which causes us to feel anxious, panicky and stressed. I am here to allow you to talk through your fears and through expressing these fears there is an opportunity to address them both physically which would mean changing things in your life to enable you to feel more peaceful, or emotionally because of past traumas that have left you with unhelpful intrusive thoughts.
The process of self-evaluation is to re-define ourself by taking out the unwanted input which may still prevail in our sub-conscious mind.
Building our rock is the grounding force of beginning to believe in ourself once more.
When you build your rock by self-reflecting and through repetition to re-learn the reality of who you are, you can ground yourself and keep yourself peaceful in difficult situations in life.
I will give you the tools for you to internally build your own rock giving you a solid sense of self and control over your emotions.
Sometimes in the sea of life – waves rise high and crash over you but you stay strong and remind yourself of your unique character strengths. It’s easy now to allow the waves to pass over you – you let the storm pass because you know the sea will soon become calm again as you remind yourself of your rock-solid sense of self. As you remind yourself of your strengths you can soothe yourself with the reality – I am safe, I am loved, I am important, I am grounded. And the sea becomes calm once more – you feel calm once more.
Gracelands Counselling & Hypnotherapy Gloucester, Gloucestershire | Call: 01452 551386 / 07887 544339
Sandra Sheppard Dip Hyp CS. DH | Diploma in Counselling & Hypnotherapy skills/Life Coach | Accredited member of the National Hypnotherapy Society and registered upon the Professional Standards Authority Register Number HYP14-00973